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For example, if you have insomnia, you'll want to see if there are any testimonials from people who have suffered like you.
Therefore, you would type "insomnia" into the search bar below.

Jan 22, 2020
by Sharon
on Scalar Light
Hi Tom, I enrolled in the program out of curiosity. You see, currently I am on the standard scalar sessions but when offered a free trial,,, well why not? I didn't consider myself addicted since I gave up alcohol 5 years ago, but I never expected to lose my desire for coffee (which by the way was what I replaced my scotch with). I drank 6:8 cups a day but now, I can't seem to finish a cup. This was an unexpected bonus because when I travel, I need to bring caffeine along to prevent withdrawal headaches. Thank you for your generosity.

Sep 30, 2019
by Merete
on Scalar Light
I'm having incredible body changes my weight is coming back to normal my mind is sharper I'm calmer and more adept at facing difficulties this 1 is AMAZING thank you

Jan 22, 2020
by Elaine
on Scalar Light
I know I had some heavy metals in me from a prior lab test.. So I tried this trial. I do feel I experienced symptoms that meant things were happening. I had quite a bit of tiredness. I also found I had to go to the washroom more often. To me, this tells me that something was really going on. I'm sure to get the most benefit it would take 2 months at least. Thank you for this opportunity.

Apr 29, 2019
by shell
on Scalar Light
I signed up a friend who is in prison for the nuerotransmitter free trial and the precious stones as well. I noticed the day that I signed her up she was in a very good mood and I have never seen her like that. It was almost like she had an inner calm and peace about her. She is also on the addcition cleanse. Since I signed her up for these things she is not even the same person. She quit associating with certain inmates that bring her down, she is trying to exercise and eat healthy, she quit drinking sodas, she is reaching out to her children to heal relationships, she talks reasonable now, her daughter says she can see a big change, she is opening up about her childhood, she is releasing traumas from the past, she is becoming very spiritual, and I could go on and on!! She is showing love which I think is hard for her. It is like her heart is opening. I told her she needs to go with it because it will help her heal. Can the chakras opening cause her to be able to love? I was just wondering because it is so drastic. She is going to fight to get out, which in the past she just kind of gave up. Now she wants to get strong and fight for herself. She is also doing the 12 step program for addiction. Seriously, I am just amazed at her transformation! Thanks so much for your great work. It really does change lives and I will keep you updated.

Aug 02, 2023
by Amber
on Scalar Light
I’ve been on the detox program for a total of two months now. I have stopped many things even salt/sodium I didn’t know I was addicted to that. I’ve stopped artificial flavour enhancers like for water. I stopped milk, bread, sweets and more i overall feel more in control of what I put in my body. In the beginning of the detox program I went to the washroom a lot for number two and it was more then i have went before however it has not been like that the second month, the second month feels more emotional release plus I can still control cravings even during the emotional feelings. Thanks I believe on this program because I have experienced

May 06, 2020
by Guy
on Scalar Light
I didn’t think I had any addictions or needed a chemical detox, but I do like some
sweets from time to time. I have been on the program for 3 months now and
realize I don’t crave the sweets anymore. Thank- you, Scalar light.
sweets from time to time. I have been on the program for 3 months now and
realize I don’t crave the sweets anymore. Thank- you, Scalar light.

Sep 26, 2023
by Nancy
on Scalar Light
I added this program because I’d been taking sleep medication for years, due to a CNS injury from Cipro.
I was hoping to detox out the med and be able to sleep without it. However, I haven’t seen much change, I’ve just been totally exhausted, and have had 2 episodes of swing
sick, 5-7 days each.
I was hoping to detox out the med and be able to sleep without it. However, I haven’t seen much change, I’ve just been totally exhausted, and have had 2 episodes of swing
sick, 5-7 days each.

Jan 13, 2020
by Patrick
on Scalar Light
I am finishing up a 2 week trail of the addiction detox and can say that it is doing it. Old chemical drug residue in the brain is clearing out and I am feeling clearer. Thank you so much!

Mar 01, 2019
by jun
on Scalar Light
My first review to scalar light 2/26/19
I have been with Scalar light for about 3 weeks. This first two weeks I was on the free trail of the standard scalar. About one week ago, I signed up for the addiction cleanse. At the same time, I signed up for 30 days free trail of neurotransmitters balance. Yesterday I added 30 days free trail for Minerals and Precious Stones. So currently I have 4 programs running simultaneously: the standard pathogens cleanses, nutrients therapy, and chacra cleansing, plus addiction cleansing which is to clear toxic chemicals, drugs, heavy metals, and GMO etc. I am also on neurotransmitters balance, and minerals & precious stones as free trail.
Here is my report: The first 10 days I did not feel anything and I was thinking this is another “oh this will work for some people, but not me” case. But on March 20, which is about 10 days after I started the program, I started to feel something kicking in.
Before I started the scalar light program, I was devastated: severe digestive issues – I could not digest any food at all. The only food I ate was sweet potatoes, one soft stir fried egg per meal, a few pieces of chicken per meal, a little serving of organic greens, and maybe some millet. That was all I could eat but I was not able to have a bowel movement naturally, so I had to do colonics, or I drank laxative tea/herbs in order to pass things out. Food got fermented in my gut and came out as completely undigested food. For example, I could see orange sweet potatoes with fibers in what I passed. In addition, my urine was bright orange to almost red. My mood was at its worst – 24/7 unstoppable racing thoughts. The worst characteristic was the fact I cycled every 48 hours. I was not able to breath freely, and I laid in bed 24 hours a day even though I never was able to fall asleep without drugs . When I woke up from a drugged sleep, I would have heart palpitation like a heart attacks. Some days I would not even brush my teeth before noon. My head was burning 24/7 with high pitch noises. Depression was mixed with unbearable anxiety attacks in all the waking hours. I seriously doubt if hell could be worse than this. I was not able to see my kids for days in a row, and I was not able to join the family for any meals for months. No doctors could offer any constructive help. In my desperation, one weeks prior to my start with scalar light, I went to the ER, and the doctor was very concerned and he thought I might have some cancer in my organs. So he ordered a CT scan, ultra sound, and X rays, and he took lot of blood from me. Yes, my system was compromised, but there was nothing “really wrong” in his eyes. He discharged me by saying: ” Congratulations! You are cancer free.” My husband and my mother were relieved but what was I supposed to feel? I wished I had a diagnosis, so even if I died, I had an explanation. I was so angry on my way home I was calculating how much value of my life remained, and how long could I hang on like this?
During my darkest moment, I talked to Holly Slabbinck , a lyme survivor. She advised me to look into scalar light, and she told me how her life was saved. I was skeptical because I had visited their website last year and I was not convinced. But now I had no alternative. I started spending all my time in bed reading all of their testimonials (more than 1400 positive testimonials). The more I read, the more I was convinced that there was hope. So I signed up for the free trial, and that turned out to be the greatest thing I have ever done in my life.
OK, now it has been 3 weeks. Since last Wednesday, which was less than two weeks, I started to feel the shift: I was able to get out of bed on Wednesday Feb 20; on Thursday, I started to pick things up here or there; On Friday I wanted to make new plans for my future; On Saturday morning I went to a Chinese grocery and I bought a roast duck for my family, and I ate some (I had severe leaky gut and food intolerance and I did not touch roast duck for ages) In the afternoon, we went to a 5000 ft mountain to enjoy the last chance in the season for playing in the snow. Yesterday was Monday, I went to Mexico to see a dental expert. Today is Tuesday, I feel I have so much I can do and I should do, and it is the first moment for a long time that I feel my life is under control.
I have to admit that at the same time I also work with some energy healer in a distance, and at home I do what I can to detox and give myself enough nutrients. But before scalar light, I was not able to even raise my eyes for my kids, and my leaky gut did not allow me to even take any supplements. Any detox could have been too tough for my body. Now my digestion is getting better and better, and I wonder if my herpes are gone, because my cold sores already disappeared. The white coat on my tongue is gone too. My ND ordered a Lyme disease test along with many other tests two weeks ago, but I decided to wait for 90 days to do it. I expect a clean bill.
I still have sleeping issues, and I have noise on my brain. I will write an update in the near future.
Jun from San Diego, Feb. 26 2019
I have been with Scalar light for about 3 weeks. This first two weeks I was on the free trail of the standard scalar. About one week ago, I signed up for the addiction cleanse. At the same time, I signed up for 30 days free trail of neurotransmitters balance. Yesterday I added 30 days free trail for Minerals and Precious Stones. So currently I have 4 programs running simultaneously: the standard pathogens cleanses, nutrients therapy, and chacra cleansing, plus addiction cleansing which is to clear toxic chemicals, drugs, heavy metals, and GMO etc. I am also on neurotransmitters balance, and minerals & precious stones as free trail.
Here is my report: The first 10 days I did not feel anything and I was thinking this is another “oh this will work for some people, but not me” case. But on March 20, which is about 10 days after I started the program, I started to feel something kicking in.
Before I started the scalar light program, I was devastated: severe digestive issues – I could not digest any food at all. The only food I ate was sweet potatoes, one soft stir fried egg per meal, a few pieces of chicken per meal, a little serving of organic greens, and maybe some millet. That was all I could eat but I was not able to have a bowel movement naturally, so I had to do colonics, or I drank laxative tea/herbs in order to pass things out. Food got fermented in my gut and came out as completely undigested food. For example, I could see orange sweet potatoes with fibers in what I passed. In addition, my urine was bright orange to almost red. My mood was at its worst – 24/7 unstoppable racing thoughts. The worst characteristic was the fact I cycled every 48 hours. I was not able to breath freely, and I laid in bed 24 hours a day even though I never was able to fall asleep without drugs . When I woke up from a drugged sleep, I would have heart palpitation like a heart attacks. Some days I would not even brush my teeth before noon. My head was burning 24/7 with high pitch noises. Depression was mixed with unbearable anxiety attacks in all the waking hours. I seriously doubt if hell could be worse than this. I was not able to see my kids for days in a row, and I was not able to join the family for any meals for months. No doctors could offer any constructive help. In my desperation, one weeks prior to my start with scalar light, I went to the ER, and the doctor was very concerned and he thought I might have some cancer in my organs. So he ordered a CT scan, ultra sound, and X rays, and he took lot of blood from me. Yes, my system was compromised, but there was nothing “really wrong” in his eyes. He discharged me by saying: ” Congratulations! You are cancer free.” My husband and my mother were relieved but what was I supposed to feel? I wished I had a diagnosis, so even if I died, I had an explanation. I was so angry on my way home I was calculating how much value of my life remained, and how long could I hang on like this?
During my darkest moment, I talked to Holly Slabbinck , a lyme survivor. She advised me to look into scalar light, and she told me how her life was saved. I was skeptical because I had visited their website last year and I was not convinced. But now I had no alternative. I started spending all my time in bed reading all of their testimonials (more than 1400 positive testimonials). The more I read, the more I was convinced that there was hope. So I signed up for the free trial, and that turned out to be the greatest thing I have ever done in my life.
OK, now it has been 3 weeks. Since last Wednesday, which was less than two weeks, I started to feel the shift: I was able to get out of bed on Wednesday Feb 20; on Thursday, I started to pick things up here or there; On Friday I wanted to make new plans for my future; On Saturday morning I went to a Chinese grocery and I bought a roast duck for my family, and I ate some (I had severe leaky gut and food intolerance and I did not touch roast duck for ages) In the afternoon, we went to a 5000 ft mountain to enjoy the last chance in the season for playing in the snow. Yesterday was Monday, I went to Mexico to see a dental expert. Today is Tuesday, I feel I have so much I can do and I should do, and it is the first moment for a long time that I feel my life is under control.
I have to admit that at the same time I also work with some energy healer in a distance, and at home I do what I can to detox and give myself enough nutrients. But before scalar light, I was not able to even raise my eyes for my kids, and my leaky gut did not allow me to even take any supplements. Any detox could have been too tough for my body. Now my digestion is getting better and better, and I wonder if my herpes are gone, because my cold sores already disappeared. The white coat on my tongue is gone too. My ND ordered a Lyme disease test along with many other tests two weeks ago, but I decided to wait for 90 days to do it. I expect a clean bill.
I still have sleeping issues, and I have noise on my brain. I will write an update in the near future.
Jun from San Diego, Feb. 26 2019

Nov 28, 2021
by Anon
on Scalar Light
The first month of Scalar Light healing light was amazing in a great number of ways. It started with waking up the first morn it was activated. I popped open both my eyes and jumped out of bed . Took a deep breath deepest of sleep and rest. The moment I woke up, the first morning I felt anything. Was i woke up. It was like I slept in the deepest, darkest, dankest, like I was hibernating furthest cave to hibernate down in, quietest, cave Cavern. Like the bears hibernation cave. It was the oddest but deepest feeling. Very peculiar.
All that to say; for 11 months, i have slept good and not woken up and "needed" that mornin " cup o' joe".My fav terms was;get some real blood pumpin in my veins. And fav coffee had 3 shots of espresso in it. On average, from appx. 1995. I would consume that coffee, twice a day.
It just happened for 10 month in a row. Now 11. And it feels good
All that to say; for 11 months, i have slept good and not woken up and "needed" that mornin " cup o' joe".My fav terms was;get some real blood pumpin in my veins. And fav coffee had 3 shots of espresso in it. On average, from appx. 1995. I would consume that coffee, twice a day.
It just happened for 10 month in a row. Now 11. And it feels good

Oct 27, 2023
by Anon
on Scalar Light
Both programs have worked well for me, the first being the Addictive Behavior which took a while to work but I have zero addictions anymore... then the Digestive Enzymes program has also worked very well.... my digestion of food has increased dramatically.... and I've changed my eating habits and have lost over 50lbs.!

Dec 11, 2023
by Anon
on Scalar Light
Our son has struggled with addiction issues for years and now we have him back for the first time in a long time. Used the addiction plus endorphin program. Everyone has noticed a definite change. He is now planning for future. Amazing!
It has been an amazing experience seeing the transition from then till now. I've used it myself for Candida years ago and it worked. That's why I eventually had some faith that it could work for him if at least to get to the stage where he would accept help but he transitioned all by himself (with lots of family help).
It has been an amazing experience seeing the transition from then till now. I've used it myself for Candida years ago and it worked. That's why I eventually had some faith that it could work for him if at least to get to the stage where he would accept help but he transitioned all by himself (with lots of family help).
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