Scalar Light Negates the Molecular Intelligence of Pathogens Associated with Alzheimer's Disease

> alzheimers disease, pathogenic cleanse

The Scalar Light Pathogenic Cleanse Identifies and Negates the Molecular Intelligence of Pathogens Associated with Alzheimer's Disease


The Scalar Light Pathogenic Cleanse Identifies and Negates the Molecular Intelligence of Pathogens Associated with Alzheimer's Disease


Scalar Light is the fundamental energy of the universe: the Creative Strength of God. All action in the universe is initiated and governed by Scalar Light which is divine energy. Consequently, all spiritual, mental, emotional and physical action in the universe is initiated and governed by Scalar Light, the divine intelligence. Scalar Light has been recognized by many cultures for millennia by various names such as, Om, chi, prana, life force, mana, the Creative Strength, torsion energy, Christ consciousness, zero-point energy, the All-Seeing Eye, plasma energy, ether energy and pyramid energy. There are two (2) dimensions in the universe: Scalar Light and electromagnetic energy. Scalar Light obeys the laws of science that are distinct as compared to the laws of science for electromagnetic energy. Furthermore, Scalar Light is the initial energy of the universe; whereas, electromagnetic energy is a derivative of this fundamental energy.

As a primal force, Scalar Light provides perfect and direct control over nature. In particular, Scalar Light provides perfect and direct control over pathogens such as bacteria, viruses, fungi and protozoan. Scalar Light instruments have been engineered that facilitate this perfect and direct control over nature, including pathogens. The Scalar Light Pathogenic Cleanse is a Scalar Light protocol that is able to identify and negate the molecular intelligence of pathogens embedded upon photographs of people, animals, plants and objects. The photograph of a person represents their bilocated version whereby all information regarding that person is reported upon the photograph in real time. Therefore, a photograph of a person is the mirror-like Scalar Light image of that individual. In operation, a Scalar Light instrument is able to identify and influence the spiritual, mental, emotional and physical constitution of person embedded upon their photograph.

The Scalar Light Pathogenic Cleanse is able to identify and negate the molecular intelligence of pathogens embedded upon photographs of people. Notably, the Scalar Light Pathogenic Cleanse identifies and negates harmful pathogens within the Scalar Light dimension that are associated with Alzheimer's disease and believed to play a role in this neurological disorder. As a result, these pathogens are reduced to a state of chaos and cease to exist. Some people that have been diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease express an improvement in their health by way of the administration of Scalar Light upon their photographic force fields. There are no in-person Scalar Light sessions, hence, there is never a biochemical reaction by way of the Scalar Light Pathogenic Cleanse. That is, the Scalar Light Pathogenic Cleanse operates at the level of information or quantum intelligence thereby avoiding any biochemical consequence.

Pathogens are able to pass the blood-brain barrier thereby contributing to Alzheimer's disease. It is believed that some of these pathogens trigger the overproduction of amyloid-B peptide causing an accumulation of these protein fragments between neurons subsequently impairing cognitive function. Furthermore, it is believed that some pathogens contribute to the overproduction of the Tau protein resulting in neurofibrillary tangles within the neurons likewise causing cognitive impairment. Succinctly, studies suggest the connection between pathogenic infection and these neurological conditions. The Scalar Light Pathogenic Cleanse is able to identify and negate these pathogens associated with Alzheimer's disease. Below are some of the pathogens that play a role in Alzheimer's disease that can be identified and negated by way of a Scalar Light instrument:




1) Herpes simplex viruses 1 & 2

2) Epstein-Barr virus

3) coxsackievirus B4

4) Borrelia burgdorferi

5) Porphyromonas gingivalis

6) Treponema pallidum

7) Toxoplasma gondii

8) Candida albicans

9) Malassezia globosa

10) Cryptococcus curvatus

The exact etiology of Alzheimer's disease remains a mystery. However, there is growing evidence suggesting that pathogens that pass the blood-brain barrier play a significant role in the onset and advancement of Alzheimer's disease. For instance, many people who suffer from Lyme disease, caused by the bacterium, Borrelia burgdorferi, later develop the symptoms of Alzheimer's disease. Thus, Lyme disease might be considered early-stage Alzheimer's disease as the spirochete, Borrelia burgdorferi, has been shown to pass the blood-brain barrier leading to cognitive impairment. Significantly, autopsies performed on some people that have died due to complications of Alzheimer's disease have shown the presence of the Lyme spirochete, Borrelia burgdorferi, inside the brain as well as the spinal cord.

Furthermore, there is growing evidence supporting the connection between childhood, viral infection from herpes viruses 1, 6, and 7, chicken pox virus, Epstein-Barr virus, cytomegalovirus, influenza viruses, respiratory syncytial virus, measles virus, mumps orthorubulavirus, coxsackievirus B4, rhinoviruses and adenoviruses and the onset of Alzheimer's disease later in life. Likewise, these viruses are capable of passing the blood-brain barrier and are subsequently considered to play a role in the overproduction and accumulation of amyloid-B peptide as well as to contribute to the dysregulation of the tau protein. More research is needed to confirm the cause and effect relationship between viral infection and Alzheimer's disease.

Another consideration is that the presence of these viruses produces an environment in the brain and spinal cord that contributes to the development of Alzheimer's disease. That is, some viruses are believed to be responsible in some fashion for the overproduction or dysregulation of both amyloid plaques as well as neurofibrillary tangles consequently adversely affecting both internal and external neuron functions. Again, the exact cause and effect relationship between the aforementioned viruses and Alzheimer's disease demands greater attention and research. Notwithstanding, pathogenic infection-particularly of the brain and spinal cord-and the subsequent onset and advancement of Alzheimer's disease is clear and undeniable.

Below is the step-by-step process that is observed when administering Scalar Light upon the photograph of a person by way of a Scalar Light instrument. Scalar Light is able to identify and negate the molecular intelligence of pathogens associated with Alzheimer's disease that are embedded upon the photograph of a person.


Step-By-Step Protocol Observed by the Scalar Light Pathogenic Cleanse to Identify Pathogens Associated with Alzheimer's Disease Upon the Photograph of a Person and Negate its Molecular Intelligence


1) The photograph of the person is placed inside a Scalar Light instrument. In so doing, the photograph serves as the bilocated version of that individual and is subsequently under the influence of the Scalar Light dimension.

2) A magnified photograph of one of the pathogens associated with Alzheimer's disease is likewise placed inside the Scalar Light instrument adjacent to the photograph of the person.

3) Consequently, there is a Scalar Light communication between the photograph of the person and the magnified photograph of the pathogen associated with Alzheimer's disease. This communication will serve to identify and negate the molecular intelligence of the pathogen associated with Alzheimer's disease resulting in a state of chaos. That is, the Scalar Light Pathogenic Cleanse will serve to reduce the pathogen to a state of chaos. As a result, the pathogen ceases to exist.


Borrelia burgdorferi on the Pathogenic Cleanse

 Borrelia burgdorferi image credit: Wikipedia 


In summation, the Scalar Light Pathogenic Cleanse is a perfect and flawless quantum protocol on account of the fact that Scalar Light, the fundamental force, is called upon to perform all action. Scalar Light operates without human interpretation or input. The Scalar Light Pathogenic Cleanse is able to identify and negate the molecular intelligence of the pathogens associated with Alzheimer's disease. Every pathogen possesses a unique Scalar Light signature that can be identified and negated by the administration of the Scalar Light Pathogenic Cleanse. Scalar Light is a new and emerging science that can identify and negate pathogenic or toxic force fields embedded upon photographs of people, animals, plants and objects. All Scalar Light sessions impart divine, non-physical intelligence upon photographs of people, animals, plants and objects. Therefore, it is impossible to experience a biochemical reaction. The photograph of a person represents their bilocated Scalar Light version. Subsequently, a photograph of a person reports their spiritual, cognitive, emotional and physical constitution in real time. In function, the photograph of a person acts as their Scalar Light force field that is embodied with the spiritual, cognitive, emotional and physical characteristics.

Scalar Light is a new and emerging science and thus the terms, words, descriptions, theories, test results, Scalar Light sessions, diagnostic test results, testimonies, etc. reflect the body of evidence of the new branch of physics, Scalar Light. The terms and expressions utilized to describe Scalar Light action do not have a linguistic equivalent to any other scientific discipline or teaching. All action in a Scalar Light dimension is distinct as compared to the action of the electromagnetic energy dimension.

May God grant you excellent health. Thank you.






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Scalar Light is a new and emerging branch of physics

Scalar Light does not treat, cure, or prevent disease. All Scalar Light Programs are administered by custom-built Scalar Light instruments that administer Scalar Light Divine Intelligence upon photographs of people, animals, plants and objects. Therefore, the Scalar Light technology is ground-breaking and the Scalar Light Programs are unique.

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