
Scalar Energy Solves Problems

by Scalar Light | Dec 15, 2023

  The Soul Connection Duo Podcast   On today’s episode of the Soul Connection Duo Podcast, we learn all about scalar energy from Tom Paladino. Tom is a holistic medical expert, scalar energy researcher and humanitarian. Tom theorized that all energy in the universe initiates as scalar energy; the sun of our solar system and the stars of the universe are the points of origin for scalar energy. He further theorized that scalar energy is instructive energy, as the entire univer ...

Scalar Light Energy

by Scalar Light | Dec 15, 2023

  Sense Of Soul   Today on Sense of Soul Podcast is Scalar Energy Researcher and Humanitarian Tom Paladino. Tom is on a personal mission to make a difference in the world by providing people with the education and tools to restore optimal health so mankind can enhance their quality of life. Tom began research with Scalar Energy during his undergraduate years after developing a deep admiration for the father of Scalar Energy research or knowledge, Nikola Tesla. He was also able ...

Using Tesla's Scalar Energy for Healing

by Scalar Light | Dec 14, 2023

  Electric Biz Babe   In this episode, I'm interviewing a man following in Tesla's footsteps to create a free power source for the world using Scalar Energy. We talk quantum entanglement, being at the fringe and forefront of scientific research, and how someone can be physically healed from viruses through just their photograph. This is what we're naturally doing as energy healers connecting via intention with our clients' auras, but the research that Tom Paladino is doing ...

Scalar Light with Linda Lang

by Scalar Light | Dec 14, 2023

  Exploring The Mystical Side of Life   What is scalar light? Can you harness it? How can you use it? Meet Scalar researcher, Tom Paladino. The difference between scalar and electromagnetic energy; Nikola Tesla, the pioneer of scalar energy; Harnessing scalar energy; Is mastery over physical matter possible? Using scalar for health concerns; Directing scalar intelligence into the body; Sending energy through the Quantum Field; Prayer, thought and intention; Accessing the Mind of ...

Unleashing the Power of Scalar Light Healing

by Scalar Light | Dec 13, 2023

  Tunez From The Crypt   In this captivating episode of Cryptic Conversations, we have the privilege of hosting Tom Paladino, the visionary founder of Scalar Light Healing. Join us as we explore the transformative power of Scalar Light and delve into the groundbreaking world of its energetic healing properties. Tom Paladino's passion for unlocking the potential of subtle energies led him to develop Scalar Light Healing—an innovative approach that harnesses the power of Sca ...

Lightening Initiates as Scalar Light

by Scalar Light | Dec 13, 2023

  Sara Troy   I would like to introduce the concept that all lightning in the sky is a manifestation of scalar energy.  All lightning initiates as scalar light and will degrade into electromagnetic energy.  Please add these photos as a demonstration during our zoom call.  I would like to attach these photos for the audience to see during our zoom discussion. Will introduce the concept that scalar energy creates lightning.      ...

The Miracle of Scalar Light Healing

by Scalar Light | Dec 12, 2023

  TonyAdee.TV Tom Paladino is a researcher and humanitarian seeking to make a difference in the world by providing people wiht the education and tools to restore optimal health, and by helping enhance the quality of there life. Tom began research with Scalar Energy after developing a deep admiration for the father of Scalar Energy research, Nikola Tesla. He was also able to study the work of an inventor, Hieronymus, who continued research on Scalar Energy. Hieronymus' major c ...

Scalar Energy - Healthy Home Hacks Podcast

by Scalar Light | Dec 5, 2023

  HEALTHY HOME HACKS PODCAST   Nikola Tesla referred to “scalar energy” as “radiant energy” and felt that this was the primal force in the universe. Our guest, Tom Paladino, describes scaler light as the natural energy from the Sun as well as the stars; the fundamental life force found everywhere in the world, space, and universe. Chi, prana, OM, mana, life force, pyramid energy, or zero-point energy are all synonymous terms for scalar energy. TOM PALADINO ...

Scalar Light Energy Redefines the Path to Self-Healing

by Scalar Light | Dec 5, 2023

  Cathy Lee Taylor   An Intriguing Interview with Tom Paladino, Scalar Light Researcher Today we have a fascinating conversation that covers a subject most people have never heard about before. We are talking about something called Scalar Energy and Scalar Light. We interview Tom Paladino, a Scalar Light Researcher who has been healing people with his scalar light device for more than 11 years. Tom's technology works through a person's photograph and can break down the molecular ...

Quantum Healing Using Scalar Light Energy

by Scalar Light | Dec 4, 2023

  Holy Health Podcast   On this week's episode, Tom Paladino joins me to discuss his life's work. Using Scalar energy to promote healing. According to Tom, scalar energy is a natural energy that is G-d's light. Tom has figured out how to harness this light and treat people remotely using only their photographs. Tom breaks down this seemingly difficult-to-understand process in an easily digestible manner.   ...

Healing with Scalar Light

by Scalar Light | Nov 25, 2023

  OldGuyTalksToMe   In today’s episode I interviewed a special guest Tom Paladino who is a Scalar Energy Researcher. Scalar energy is the fundamental life force found everywhere in the world, space and universe. It originates from the sun and stars. Chi, prana, OM, mana, life force, pyramid energy or zero-point energy are synonymous terms for scalar energy. Go to to become one of the first to get my digital magazine for free that'll help y ...

Using Scalar Energy To Heal

by Scalar Light | Nov 21, 2023

  Get Falidated   My mind is BLOWN from this conversation with Tom Paladino, a Scalar Energy Researcher. The day this podcast was released is Day 4 of Fallon receiving Scalar Energy healing and WOW, she has been having some magical... ...

The Miracle Of Scalar Light Healing

by Scalar Light | Nov 21, 2023

  Conscious Living Podcast   Welcome to the brand new episode of “The Conscious Living Podcast.” Today I have the pleasure of interviewing an amazingly evolved soul, entrepreneur, and dear friend and colleague, Mr. Tom PaladinoBased on these theories and the work of scientists who came before him, Tom was able to develop scalar energy instruments capable of harnessing and transmitting instructive energy to heal human subjects by way of their photograph. You can think ...

Amazing Breakthrough With Scalar Light

by Scalar Light | Nov 8, 2023

  Tom Paladino is a researcher and humanitarian passionate about harnessing Scalar Energy to enhance health and quality of life. His journey began during his undergraduate years, inspired by the work of Nikola Tesla and Hieronymus. Tom's innovative "Scalar Light" instrument is a testament to his dedication to making a positive impact on people's well-being. ...

Tom Paladino on Drop The Mic Podcast

by Scalar Light | Nov 2, 2023


Tom Paladino at Wellness Cafe

by Scalar Light | Nov 2, 2023


Lightening Initiates as Scalar Light

by Scalar Light | Nov 1, 2023

Sara Troy   I would like to introduce the concept that all lightning in the sky is a manifestation of scalar energy.  All lightning initiates as scalar light and will degrade into electromagnetic energy.  Please add these photos as a demonstration during our zoom call.  I would like to attach these photos for the audience to see during our zoom discussion. Will introduce the concept that scalar energy creates lightning.  ...

Scalar Light Healing

by Scalar Light | Oct 30, 2023

  Carol Mae Whittick   A technology using scalar light force fields embodied in photographs to heal people, animals, plants and objects. Tom is a researcher and humanitarian seeking to make a difference in the world by providing people with the education and tools to restore optimal health, and by helping enhance their quality of life. In this episode, he explains how this technology works, his inspiration and his vision for the future of healing.   ...

Tom Paladino Speaks About Scaler Energy

by Scalar Light | Oct 27, 2023

  Mystical Lodge Radio   Tom Paladino is a scaler energy researcher, healer, and humanitarian. In this episode of Mystical Lodge Radio, Tom explains to Thomas the Mystic how scaler energy differs from electromagnetic energies and how they may be used to heal and benefit humankind. ...

Exploring the Connection Between Quantum Healing, Tesla and Scalar Light Technology

by Scalar Light | Oct 26, 2023

  Paula Lamb (KMKY with Paula)   Quantum Healing, Scalar Energy, Scalar Light Technology, Biology & Quantum   'Your Health is Your Wealth' if this statement rings true for you then this is an episode you will enjoy! Meet Tom Paladino a scalar light researcher inspired by the founding fathers of Scalar Energy Nicola Tesla & Albert Einstein we know who they are & Dr Thomas Galen Hieronymus. Scalar energy is potentially the greatest discovery in the history of scie ...

Displaying 1 - 20 of 93 items. Page: 1 2 3 4 5 | Next »




alzheimers disease

amino acids



antimicrobial resistance

antoine priore

apollo 11

ark of the covenant


atherosclerotic plaque





borrelia burgdorferi







chakra balance

chemical detox

chronic fatigue

common cold

conventional medicine

crohns disease



dental health




divine intelligence

divine light


electromagnetic energy

energetic signature

entamoeba histolytica



epstein barr virus

essential amino acids


fat metabolism

female hormone program




gall stones


gum disease




high blood pressure

hiv virus






irritable bowel


kidney stones


leaky gut

lenticular clouds


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multiple sclerosis

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neurological conditions


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pablo maria

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parkinsons disease


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phoenix voyage







probiotic bacteria





radiant energy

respiratory syncytial virus

rheumatoid arthritis

sarah hieronymus

scalar light

scalar light sessions




shingles virus

skin conditions



spirochetal disease

st john vianney

standard scalar program





thomas henry moray



tom paladino


urinary tract infection


virgin of guadalupe



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Scalar Light is a new and emerging branch of physics

Scalar Light does not treat, cure, or prevent disease. All Scalar Light Programs are administered by custom-built Scalar Light instruments that administer Scalar Light Divine Intelligence upon photographs of people, animals, plants and objects. Therefore, the Scalar Light technology is ground-breaking and the Scalar Light Programs are unique.

Copyright © 2025 Scalar Light. All Rights Reserved.