Quantum Health With Tom Paladino
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Mission Accepted plus GenZ is us
Welcome back scalar light researcher, Tom Paladino. Two more insidious and common viruses affecting people globally: Herpes and Epstein-Barr, are today’s focus. Amazingly, scalar light treatments have been proven to eradicate them, yet again! People are having results and providing the PCR test result proof. This ground-breaking science is gaining momentum. The small circle of predecessors of this technology, including Nikola Tesla and T. Galen Hieronymus, are cheering this on from the other side.
Recent Posts
I Haven’t had a Cold or the Flu in 7 Years
Scalar Light Testimony Following Tom's Interview on Coast to Coast
Disease is a Scalar Light Signature
Scalar Light Overall Well-being Testimony
Scalar Light Disassembles the Herpes Virus
Herpes Testimonial Following Scalar Light Sessions
Scalar Energy Vs Parasites - Testimony
Increased Sleep, Better Digestion, Feeling of Lightness - Scalar Light Testimony
Scalar Light Identifies and Negates the Disease Signature of Rheumatoid Arthritis