The Ability Of Scalar Light To Help Fight Pathogens And Toxins
Tom Paladino as a guest with Wendy Myers (Host) on Myers Detox... Tom Paladino joins the show to talk about how you can use scalar light to fight pathogens and toxins in your body! We also talk about bioenergetics, or energy medicine, and the different ways light and energy can be used to help improve many areas of health. What You’ll Learn Tune into today’s podcast to hear all about:
What is scalar light?
How the quantum energy from the sun and stars heal mankind’s suffering.
The father of scalar energy is Nikola Tesla.
How scalar energy can be utilized as an unlimited supply of energy.
How scalar energy unbinds the RNA/ DNA bonds of microbes.
How everyone can get a scalar light treatment via a photograph (no matter where you are in the world)
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