Tracking the Astronauts in Apollo 11: A Quantative Evaluation of the Well Being of the Three Men
Scalar Light was utilized to monitor the astronauts during the Apollo 11 lunar mission by way of their photographs. The inventor, Dr. Galen Hieronymus and his wife, Louise, monitored the astronauts during their Apollo 11 lunar mission and measured their Scalar Energy biorhythms and vital signs by way of their photographs two days prior to lift off, during the orbital mission and concluding with the quarantine period. Attached is the study, Tracking the Astronauts in Apollo 11: A Quantative Evaluation of the Well Being of the Three Men.
NASA sanctioned the tracking of the astronauts during the Apollo 11 lunar mission and subsequently supplied the photographs of the astronauts in order for Dr. Hieronymus to conduct the study. Previously, there was a collaboration between NASA and Dr. Hieronymus during the Apollo 8 lunar mission at which time the Apollo 8 astronauts were likewise tracked and their Scalar Energy biorhythms and vital signs measured by way of their photographs.
Dr. Hieronymus invented the Scalar Light instrument that served to track and monitor the astronauts during the Apollo lunar missions. Notably, the scalar light instrument was awarded three (3) patents from the United States, Canada and Great Britain. During his career, Hieronymus was able to successfully conduct experiments with people, animals, plants and objects by way of their photograph. Hence, Dr. Hieronymus believed that there exists a Scalar Light signature embedded upon a photograph of a person, animal, plant and object, respectively. I affirm this theory, as all photographs carry Scalar Light intelligence that can be accessed and influenced by way of a Scalar Light instrument.
Scalar Light is divine, non-physical light that transcends time and space. The administration of Scalar Light upon photographs is a new and emerging science. Ultimately, Scalar Light theory must first be accepted in order to better understand the capability of a photograph to carry Scalar Light intelligence. A photograph of a person represents their bi-located Scalar Light version. Therefore, a photograph of a person possesses the real-time Scalar Light intelligence of their soul, mind and body. It is crucial to understand that there are two (2) energies: Scalar Energy and electromagnetic energy. The laws that govern Scalar Energy are distinct as compared to the laws that govern electromagnetic energy.
Tracking The Astronauts in Apollo 11 - PDF Report
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