My Tortoise - Harve
by Scalar Light | Oct 19, 2022 | Female Hormone Program Testimonials
Dear Tom ,
A month ago I called you and asked if the Scalar energy might be helpful for reptiles… namely, my tortoise, Harve, who was having a hard time of it, health-wise - cause yet to be determined. The tortoise is a funny character… his metabolism is so very different from ours, and acts so slowly that by the time one realizes the tort is ‘under the weather’ that whatever it is that is affecting him is far advanced from the symptoms that are showing. I was pretty distraught and felt quite hopeless. You replied that you had never attempted to try the scalar energy on a reptile, let alone a tortoise, but that you were willing to try. You generously donated a month’s service to this cause. I was flabbergasted and unbelievably grateful, and to this day I surely still am. It was on day 2 of the scalar energy application that my tortoise, Harve, showed marked improvement, which continued to progress a bit each day. On about day 4 he was pretty much back to his old tortoise self.
A little backstory: Now, I was not able to get a “baseline” of any kind from Harve, as he would not hold still for a blood draw, and I did not want to put him through sedation in his state - felt it dangerous - and the one vet we DID find was not the most experienced but he would at least see the tort and do what he could (this was prior to my phone call to you). Most vets who do exotics will not see tortoises anymore because they are so very difficult to diagnose. The same holds true for interspecies (animal) communicators, as they say the tort has a very different way of sending images with basically no “timestamp” so they can’t really successfully track them when they are under the weather, or get lost. Isn’t it incredible how wonderful the scalar energy tech can track them down without any input from us, at all?
But anyway, you gave it a try and for 30 days, I’ve had a ’normal’ tortoise, acting in a most healthy manner, but because of the inability to actually have a baseline on Harve, I cannot say definitely that the scalar energy tech was the big savior. However, with my own intuition applied, a tortoise getting progressively better each day of the application of the tech, and my own knowledge about ‘coincidence’ being actually things falling into alignment in the universe, can pretty assuredly say that Harve is well today because of you and your application of the scalar energy tech to him.
Now what made me call you for this endeavor… an hour of dark thoughts and despair? Well last year I received an offer from you for a 15-day free trial on 10 different subjects of my choice and one of the subjects I had submitted was a grove of sick and dying ash trees… a disease plaguing the east right now because of some boring beetle and killing trees at a rapid pace. About day 5 I had noticed something quite unusual and spectacular when I went down the hill to give the horses their last night’s feeding and it had just become dark. There are two paddocks when one drives into the barn driveway - each are surrounded by trees.. the left side (which I had submitted to you) was dominated by the sick and dying ash trees. The side (The right side paddock) normally completely covered in fireflies and the left side most usually barren of the beautiful fireflies was a completely reversed situation. Almost ALL of the fireflies had gathered on the left side on the sick and dying trees - the ones that had been receiving the scalar energy application. I realized that they had felt the energy and gravitated to those trees… the only thing different from all other times is that these trees had received the scalar energy. When I recalled this experience it occurred to me that I should try the scalar energy for Harve. After all… it’s light from the sun and the stars… what life essence could not benefit from this application? I think, Tom, that this about wraps up the proof needed for Scalar energy efficacy - don’t you? Please feel free to publicize this information so that others might better understand the scalar energy application and its diverse and broad effectiveness.
With my sincerest appreciation and eternal gratitude